Daily Exam 20: ৪৭তম বিসিএস English মডেল টেস্ট
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Daily Exam 20 ৪৭তম বিসিএস English মডেল টেস্ট দিন এবং নিজের প্রস্তুতি যাচাই করুন
১. Who says “Don’t call me, I’ll call you?”
২. Whose theory contributed to the popularization of dream interpretation?
৩. “If you are invited to a dinner, wait until your host indicates you to begin eating.” This is the culture of_____
৪. “Man is by nature a social animal” said_______
৫. George Orwell spent a part of his early life in ___ then ___ colony, serving as ___
৬. The author of “Burmese Days” is_____
৭. “A Minor Bird” was written by____
৮. “The Parrot’s Tale” was written by _____ and translated by_____.
৯. Find out the antonym of ‘Garrulous’: