Daily Exam 55: বিগত সালের প্রশ্ন থেকে


Daily Exam 55: বিগত সালের প্রশ্ন থেকে

Daily Exam 55 দিন বিগত সালের প্রশ্ন থেকে এবং নিজের প্রস্তুতি যাচাই করুন।

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1. ____course of time, he become a famous writer.

2. ______ink in my pen is red.

3. Complete the sentence: Poly ran fast lest she _______miss the class.

4. The doctor will come back to the ward in no time. The underline phrase means-

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5. Translation of “অসারের তর্জন গর্জন”

6. The memoranda _______ not important.

7. The word ‘decade’ refers to ____

8. No spelling error occurs in _____

9. None but ____ brave deserve ____ fair.

10. If you help me, I _____ grateful.

11. Which is the correct form of Assertive of “Who does not like a rose?”

12. Had you walked fast, you ______ the train.

13. ‘গাছে এখনো ফল ধরে নাই’- The best translation is—

14. The word ‘heritage’ refers to–

15. The price of mango is high in our country. _______, we turn this land into a mango orchard?

16. Ignorance is obstacle ______ progress.

17. Very few insects are as busy as a bee. The correct comparative form of the sentence is—

18. Fifty miles _____ not a long distance.

19. He came home yesterday. Choose the correct interrogative form of the sentence–

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