Connector এর নিয়ম
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Connector এর নিয়ম
Connector এর নিয়ম
Connector হলো ইংরেজি ভাষার এমন কিছু শব্দ বা বাক্যাংশ, যা বাক্যের অংশ বা বাক্যকে যুক্ত করে অর্থবোধক করে তোলে। এগুলোকে linking words, conjunctions, বা transitional words-ও বলা হয়। নিচে connector ব্যবহারের নিয়মগুলো দেওয়া হলো:
1. Coordinating Connectors
এগুলো দুই বা ততোধিক সমান মানের অংশ বা বাক্য যুক্ত করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Subject + Verb, (connector) Subject + Verb
And (এবং): He likes tea and coffee.
But (কিন্তু): She is smart, but lazy.
Or (অথবা): Do you want tea or coffee?
2. Subordinating Connectors
এগুলো প্রধান (main) ও অধীনস্থ (subordinate) বাক্যকে যুক্ত করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
(Connector) Subject + Verb, Subject + Verb
Subject + Verb (connector) Subject + Verb
Because (কারণ): She stayed home because it was raining.
Although (যদিও): Although he is rich, he is humble.
If (যদি): I will go if he invites me.
3. Correlative Connectors
এগুলো জোড়ায় ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং বাক্যের দুটি অংশ যুক্ত করে।
Both…and: Both you and I are responsible.
Either…or: Either he will come or she will.
Not only…but also: He is not only intelligent but also hardworking.
4. Transitional Connectors
এগুলো বাক্যের মধ্যে সম্পর্ক বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Addition: Furthermore, Moreover, In addition
Contrast: However, On the other hand, Nevertheless
Cause and Effect: Therefore, Consequently, As a result
Example: For instance, Such as
Example Sentences:
Moreover: He is talented; moreover, he is hardworking.
However: She wanted to help; however, she was late.
5. Condition বোঝাতে Connectors
শর্ত প্রকাশ করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়।
If (যদি): You can join us if you finish your work.
Unless (যদি না): You won’t succeed unless you try.
Provided that (যদি…শর্ত পূরণ হয়): You may go provided that you complete your homework.
As long as (যতক্ষণ): I will help you as long as you are honest.
6. Time-Related Connectors
সময় বোঝানোর জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Before (এর আগে): Wash your hands before you eat.
After (এর পরে): She went home after the party ended.
While (যখন): He was singing while she was dancing.
Since (যখন থেকে): I haven’t seen her since she left.
7. Contrast বা বিরোধিতা বোঝাতে Connectors
Although (যদিও): Although it was raining, they went outside.
Though (যদিও): He is kind, though he looks rude.
Whereas (যেখানে): She likes tea, whereas he prefers coffee.
Even though (তবুও): Even though he apologized, she didn’t forgive him.
8. Cause and Effect বোঝাতে Connectors
Because (কারণ): He left early because he was tired.
As (যেহেতু): As it was late, she went to bed.
Therefore (অতএব): He worked hard; therefore, he succeeded.
So (তাই): It was raining, so we stayed home.
9. Purpose বোঝাতে Connectors
In order to (জন্য): He studies hard in order to pass the exam.
So that (যাতে): I spoke slowly so that everyone could understand.
For the purpose of (উদ্দেশ্যে): They met for the purpose of discussing the project.
10. Examples বা ব্যাখ্যা বোঝাতে Connectors
For example (উদাহরণস্বরূপ): Many countries, for example, India, face water shortages.
Such as (যেমন): She likes fruits such as apples and oranges.
That is to say (অর্থাৎ): He is a polyglot, that is to say, he speaks many languages.
11. Similarity বা তুলনা বোঝাতে Connectors
Similarly (একইভাবে): She loves painting; similarly, her brother is a great artist.
Likewise (একইভাবে): The first task was easy; likewise, the second one wasn’t challenging.
In the same way (একইভাবে): He treats everyone equally in the same way his father did.
12. Emphasis বা গুরুত্ব বোঝাতে Connectors
Indeed (বাস্তবেই): He is talented; indeed, he is the best in his class.
In fact (আসলে): She seems quiet, but in fact, she is very talkative.
Most importantly (সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণভাবে): We need to be prepared; most importantly, we must stay calm.
13. Sequence বা ক্রম বোঝাতে Connectors
First/Firstly (প্রথমত): Firstly, we need to gather information.
Then (তারপর): Finish your homework, then we will play.
Next (পরবর্তী): We cleaned the house; next, we prepared the meal.
Finally (শেষে): Finally, the project was completed successfully.
14. Comparison বা তুলনা প্রকাশের Connectors
Than (তুলনায়): He runs faster than his brother.
As…as (যতটা): She is as smart as her mother.
Compared to (তুলনায়): Compared to last year, this year’s performance is better.
15. Clarification বা পরিষ্কার করার Connectors
In other words (অন্য কথায়): He’s introverted; in other words, he prefers to be alone.
That is (অর্থাৎ): She is punctual, that is, she always arrives on time.
To clarify (স্পষ্ট করতে): Let me explain this further to clarify the point.
16. Result বা ফলাফল বোঝাতে Connectors
Thus (তাই): He worked hard; thus, he achieved his goal.
Hence (সেই জন্য): The weather was bad; hence, the event was postponed.
As a result (ফলস্বরূপ): She missed the bus; as a result, she was late.
17. Contrastive Connectors আরও কিছু উদাহরণ
On the contrary (বিপরীতভাবে): She isn’t lazy; on the contrary, she is very hardworking.
Conversely (উল্টোভাবে): He is introverted; conversely, his sister is very outgoing.
Instead (পরিবর্তে): He didn’t go out; instead, he stayed home and studied.
18. Exemplification বা উদাহরণ দেওয়ার Connectors
For instance (উদাহরণস্বরূপ): Many countries, for instance, Bangladesh, depend on agriculture.
Namely (নাম ধরে): Three students were selected, namely, John, Sarah, and Emma.
In particular (বিশেষত): She loves animals, in particular, cats and dogs.
19. Summary বা সারাংশ বোঝাতে Connectors
In conclusion (উপসংহারে): In conclusion, we must act responsibly.
To summarize (সারাংশে): To summarize, the project was a great success.
Overall (সর্বোপরি): Overall, the event was well-organized.
20. Connector ব্যবহারের কিছু সাধারণ ভুল
1. একই বাক্যে পরস্পর বিরোধী connectors ব্যবহার করবেন না।
ভুল: Although it was raining, but he went outside.
সঠিক: Although it was raining, he went outside.
2. অতিরিক্ত connectors ব্যবহারে বাক্য জটিল হয়ে যায়।
3. Context অনুযায়ী সঠিক connector নির্বাচন করুন।
21. Opinion বা মতামত প্রকাশে Connectors
In my opinion (আমার মতে): In my opinion, education is the key to success.
I believe (আমি বিশ্বাস করি): I believe that hard work pays off.
From my perspective (আমার দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে): From my perspective, this is a great opportunity.
It seems to me (আমার মনে হয়): It seems to me that he is honest.
22. Reason বা কারণ প্রকাশে Connectors
For this reason (এই কারণে): He was unwell; for this reason, he didn’t attend the meeting.
Due to (কারণে): The match was canceled due to heavy rain.
Owing to (জন্য): The flight was delayed owing to technical issues.
23. Adding More Information বা অতিরিক্ত তথ্য যোগ করার Connectors
Moreover (অধিকন্তু): She is intelligent; moreover, she is hardworking.
Additionally (অতিরিক্তভাবে): The event was well-organized; additionally, it was enjoyable.
What’s more (আরও যা): He is honest; what’s more, he is very kind.
24. Certainty বা নিশ্চিত হওয়া বোঝাতে Connectors
Certainly (নিশ্চিতভাবে): He will certainly succeed if he works hard.
Undoubtedly (নিঃসন্দেহে): This is undoubtedly the best solution.
Surely (নিশ্চয়ই): He will surely achieve his dreams.
25. Opposition বা বিরোধ প্রকাশে Connectors
Even so (তবুও): He apologized; even so, she didn’t forgive him.
Regardless (সত্ত্বেও): Regardless of the difficulties, we completed the task.
Though (যদিও): Though it was cold, they went swimming.
26. Limitation বা সীমাবদ্ধতা বোঝাতে Connectors
At least (অন্তত): We should try, at least, once.
Up to a point (একটা নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণ পর্যন্ত): He was successful up to a point, but then faced challenges.
Except for (ছাড়া): Everyone attended the meeting except for John.
27. Condition বা শর্তের আরও উদাহরণ
Otherwise (না হলে): You must hurry; otherwise, you’ll miss the train.
Whether or not (যাই হোক না কেন): I will help you, whether or not you agree.
As long as (যতক্ষণ): You can stay as long as you follow the rules.
28. Alternative বা বিকল্প বোঝাতে Connectors
Instead of (পরিবর্তে): Let’s go for a walk instead of watching TV.
Alternatively (বিকল্পভাবে): You can choose English; alternatively, you may study history.
Rather than (বরং): I prefer tea rather than coffee.
29. Probability বা সম্ভাবনা প্রকাশে Connectors
Probably (সম্ভবত): He will probably join us later.
Possibly (সম্ভবত): She will possibly come tomorrow.
Likely (সম্ভাবনা): It is likely that it will rain today.
30. Exemplifying বা উদাহরণ দিয়ে বুঝানোর Connectors
To illustrate (উদাহরণ দিতে): To illustrate, let me share a real-life story.
As an example (একটি উদাহরণ হিসাবে): As an example, consider the case of rising inflation.
For instance (উদাহরণস্বরূপ): Many animals, for instance, tigers and lions, are endangered.
31. Result বা ফলাফল দেখানোর আরও কিছু Connector
Consequently (ফলস্বরূপ): She worked hard; consequently, she got promoted.
So that (যাতে): Speak clearly so that everyone can hear you.
Hence (সেই জন্য): He was careless; hence, he failed the exam.
32. Concession বা ছাড় বা স্বীকৃতি প্রকাশের Connectors
Concession connectors এমন পরিস্থিতি বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয় যেখানে কিছু মেনে নেয়া হয়, তবে তার পরেও বিপরীত কিছু ঘটে।
Although (যদিও): Although she is young, she is very responsible.
Even though (যদিও): Even though it was late, they kept working.
Though (যদিও): Though he was tired, he continued running.
Despite (সত্ত্বেও): Despite his efforts, he couldn’t win the race.
In spite of (সত্ত্বেও): In spite of the bad weather, they went hiking.
33. Comparison বা তুলনা বোঝাতে আরও Connectors
In comparison to (তুলনায়): This year’s performance is better in comparison to last year.
As compared to (তুলনায়): The new phone is faster as compared to the old one.
Similarly (একইভাবে): She enjoys reading; similarly, her brother loves books.
Like (মত): She dances like a professional.
34. Purpose বা উদ্দেশ্য বোঝানোর আরও Connectors
For the sake of (উদ্দেশ্যে): He worked hard for the sake of his family.
To this end (এই উদ্দেশ্যে): To this end, we need to gather more resources.
With the aim of (উদ্দেশ্যে): He joined the team with the aim of gaining experience.
35. Contrast বা বৈপরীত্য প্রকাশের আরও উদাহরণ
On the one hand…on the other hand (একদিকে…অন্যদিকে): On the one hand, he wants to save money; on the other hand, he loves shopping.
Rather (বরং): It wasn’t his fault; rather, it was a misunderstanding.
On the contrary (বিপরীতভাবে): He is not lazy; on the contrary, he is very hardworking.
36. Generalization বা সাধারণীকরণে Connectors
Generally speaking (সাধারণভাবে বলতে গেলে): Generally speaking, children need proper guidance.
In general (সাধারণত): In general, people prefer comfort over luxury.
On the whole (সার্বিকভাবে): On the whole, the project was successful.
37. Illustration বা চিত্রায়ণে Connectors
For instance (উদাহরণস্বরূপ): Many professions, for instance, teaching, require patience.
To illustrate (উদাহরণ দিতে): To illustrate this point, let’s analyze some data.
As an illustration (উদাহরণ হিসাবে): As an illustration, consider the rapid rise of technology.
38. Restating বা পুনরাবৃত্তি বোঝানোর Connectors
In other words (অন্য কথায়): He was exhausted; in other words, he needed rest.
That is to say (অর্থাৎ): She is bilingual, that is to say, she speaks two languages fluently.
To put it differently (অন্যভাবে বলতে): The system failed; to put it differently, it needs improvement.
39. Ending বা উপসংহার টানতে Connectors
To conclude (উপসংহারে): To conclude, we need to focus on sustainable development.
In summary (সারাংশে): In summary, hard work and determination lead to success.
All in all (সব মিলিয়ে): All in all, it was a productive meeting.
40. Connector ব্যবহারে আরও কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পরামর্শ
1. Context অনুযায়ী সঠিক Connector নির্বাচন করুন: প্রতিটি Connector-এর নির্দিষ্ট অর্থ ও ব্যবহার আছে। প্রাসঙ্গিক Connector ব্যবহার বাক্যকে বেশি অর্থবোধক করে তুলবে।
2. একই Connector বারবার ব্যবহার এড়িয়ে চলুন: Variation আপনার লেখাকে আরও আকর্ষণীয় করে তুলবে।
3. Connector ব্যবহারের পর বাক্যের flow নিশ্চিত করুন: Connector যেন বাক্যের অর্থ ও তথ্যের সঠিক প্রবাহ বজায় রাখে।
4. Practice Writing: Connector-এর সঠিক ব্যবহার শিখতে হলে বেশি বেশি লেখার অভ্যাস করতে হবে।